Anime USA

Pictures provided by Greg and Michael, commentary provided by Orin... and occasionally Schala.

And so we arrive at the hotel with all of our crap. It's a lot of crap. But it's a lot of food, too, and that's really what I'm interested in. (Hey, I managed to eat... relatively well. Ssshhhh. It was vacation, you're supposed to eat terribly.)

Sci is a pretty lady, especially after getting paid. Love how that materia bracelet glows, hint oh shameless hint.

Ah, girls and their shinies. Here we inspect the give-aways, Mardi Gras beads and napkins (and another pimped item, my OrgLIX beaded leather cuff--because I am a lunatic). I needed to be convinced to let go of the pile of shiny.

Greg managed to get a picture of my OrgLIX shirt. It's true. And shiny.

Yay for us looking like an album cover... of a sort. That'd be one hell of an album.

Just us girls, hangin' out. Exchanging beauty tips or... whatever it is girls do.

Greg makes an attempt to devour Schala's head.

Sci fights back quite effectively. I love this picture way too much.

Isn't that a cute and cuddly moment that only reminds me of DiZ/Demyx and therefore has me laughing for horrible reasons.

Hotel room, getting ready for... something.

And the women shun the camera. Or show off our asses. Either way.
(Schala: Mine is not very flattered by the "Mom Jeans" I bought to cosplay Cooking Mama and chose to wore for the drive down since they are so damn comfy)

At least Karras is ready for the panel.

Oh wait, Schala is too with her laptop, "Kadaj."
(Schala: He's named that because it's an old C Drive in a new case. And I'm an FFVII dork)

The rest of us? No clue what the hell is going on. But we're smiling. Sci will be along shortly in dramatic fashion, of course.

After the panel. I guess you can't please everyone.

And so that night, we set out to console ourselves with glorious costumes and McDonald's. Left to right, I'm cosplaying my horrible version of Ienzo (who has just put on a skirt and taken scissors to his hair in hopes of wooing Xehanort--yes, this is my full description, no I did not get to freak out a Xehanort, and yes that is a tiara that I made on my head), Karras is Sander Cohen from Bioshock, and Michael is the fabulous Luxord!

Ah, true lunatics. Together at last.

See last comment.

While at McDonald's, we met up with Roxas! Who was a lot less bitchy and irritating than he was in the game, let me tell you. He was nice and came to our panel, so we like him. (I had cookies and coffee for dinner that night. Ha, take that diet!)

This picture makes me laugh every single time. And yes, he recited the bunny poem. Multiple times. It was so good. And scared so many.
(Schala: Just to share a bit of cosplayer ingenuity - I applied Karra's eye make-up with a plastic fork prong. We agreed that it somehow made it look even creepier.)

Schala looks knowingly at me as I hide my face behind poor Ienzo's chopped hair (that stupid miniskirt made sitting on that couch rather odd) and put all of my attention into The Notebook. Now we know what Ienzo was really doing back then. Poor kid.
(Schala: The brave at heart can read what is in the Notebook by checking out the fic, Amends. Yah, you know how we joke about Sephiroth/Lazard all the time in Crisis Perverted? This is the serious side of that.)

As we wait for our big OrgLIX panel, photo opportunities are taken.

Michael, Greg and "Other Patrick" screw around for the camera. ...Not like that.

Once again waiting for our panel, we're ready. Enough. Kind of. Well, at least I have The Notebook.
(Schala: Wow, I like stole Vexen's "Angry Bitch Face" for this shot)

Total fast-forward to the next day (which means we survived our panel). I had too much fun with Scarlet, as you can see--and once again wow, look at how that materia necklace glows, hint pimp hint. Michael's once again Luxord in the back, and at my side is Schala as the fabulous director of SOLDIER, Lazard. Yes, I know we delved further into Crisis Perverted at this point, but we're freaking obsessed. I should have hunted down a Tifa and taken action shots.
(Schala: Also, AUSA, where were the Rufus cosplayers? I wanted to yell at one of them. Or at least cast off hateful glares.)

Of course, some stops had to be made along the way. Marluxia was too hard to ignore. (Note to self: next time, bring rubber duckie.)

And Xigbar. An OrgLIX fan. Let me say that again, WE MET AN ORGLIX FAN.

And then there's Demyx. Who quickly became an OrgLIX fan. Well, you'll see later.

Lazard and Scarlet at Chilis, being all friendly. With knives. ...This won't end well. (I have a Takara reissue Starscream between my feet. And at Chilis. I am, in this picture, way too happy.)

And who do we see on the way out? Turks!
(Schala: BEFORE CRISIS TURKS! Really, far too under-represented amongst cosplayers)

And here we have Sci as Jessica from Lunar. Looking all bizarrely innocent and such. With a GLOWING GREEN ROD. Ha.

Luxord meets Xaldin! (Why no, I will not mention a certain awful fic.) This Xaldin and that earlier Demyx? Oh, there is a connection. Wait for it.
(Schala: But I will mention that fic! "The Bar that Never Was". X/III porn. Yah... the boys aren't going to talk to us again, are they?)

Scarlet. Way too fascinated by weapons of all kinds. (Wish I'd had my Airsoft Elite with me here. I sense some more pictures in the near future. Damn I wish I knew someone with a chainsaw.)

Luxord next to a freaky-eyed Roxas and Axel.

A whole gang of KH cosplayers! And a Xemnas. Far too sane for my tastes, though.

Can you tell that Michael was our lure for potential panel-goers? Here's another Marly.

More Orgy action. Ha, got you didn't I?! ...Ahem. This Namine looks too happy to have anything to do with us.

Lazard at the laptop, typing up horrible wrongness for OrgLIX. Ow, brainhurt.
(Schala: As soon as this picture was taken, the gloves were off. S-E, there is no way that anyone would want to type with white cotton gloves on.)

Screwing off before our last panel. (I'd changed into my Goth Scarlet costume at this point.)

Someone's taking a picture? Look like you know what you're doing, quick!

And we did too have an audience!


Which lead to much celebration and pretending to get along.

The winner of our script contest, Ray (who can be found on DeviantArt as arcadiaeclipse.)! And that Demyx and Xaldin from earlier! We were stalking each other! Kind of. Point being, this script will be turned into a "real" one soon enough, and this was the fabulous prize! ...Because... there was only one script. ...Better than none, dammit.
(Schala: I made the fabulous prize! I love creating these unique, grungy bleached T-shirts)

And the coolest part? This is what the script was written on. We all signed it and gave it back after it was typed up.

Super awesome kick-ass picture with the winner! (Schala: Can you tell there were multiple cameras taking pictures of the occasion?)

And we got art! Real art! Really lovely, appreciated, funny art from wackko200 on DeviantArt! I'm still so happily blown away by that.

Obviously, there are no pictures of us parting. We didn't really want to remember that. But when I got home, I had to scan my associate's badge. They were lovely.

And some proof that this actually happened: