The Troupe that Never Was
Orin |
Org Name/Title: Xiron, The Blankity-Blank
Roles: Director, Editor, Writer
Birthday: 12/22
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Weapon: Sack of Doorknobs
Special Attack: New Wave |
Bio: Leader and general manager of Organization LIX. General bastion of rock n' roll, girl gaming, obsession, and pie. Delicious pie that gets you laid or an evil, cursed, but still delicious pie we send to our enemies under the dark of night by way of courier ninjas. |
Schala |
Org Name/Title: Laxcash, The Indiscriminate Slasher
Roles: Larxene, Webmistress, Writer
Birthday: 3/17
Location: Georgia, USA
Weapon: Mechanical Pencils
Special Attack: R-18 Doujinshi |
Bio: Jokingly refered to as the Saïx to Orin's Xemnas, one of the masters of conspiracy in OrgLIX. A wannabe historian who moonlights as a fangirl, she is a creature of insatiable curiosity and a love of all things naughty. Though she herself is blessed with a laid-back attitude and a boyant sense of humor, somehow she manages to channel all of her anger into a single electrical bitch queen.
Oh yah, and she's the one who kinda-sorta-maybe understands Japanese. Usually this skill is used only to decipher Square-Enix's moonspeak interviews and find racy Japanese fan art. |
Sci |
Org Name/Title: Brexort, The Manipulative Theorist
Roles: Marluxia, Xaldin, heckler
Birthday: 2/6
Location: Maryland, USA
Weapon: Words
Special Attack: Web of Deceit, and RUN AWAY!!! |
Bio: The guy who moans on command. While not getting into Cloud's pants or under Xaldin's coat, he enjoys manipulating other to his own sick, demented will... and pie. He really enjoys pie. And cosplay. Eating pie in costume...? |
Greg |
Org Name/Title: Xergg, The Wind Cutter
Roles: Axel, Demyx, Zexion
Birthday: 8/14
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Weapon: G-Unit
Special Attack: GUYVERRRR!!! |
Bio: A fierey redhead, dumb blonde waterboy, and a feminine emo all in one. He goes with anything that's thrown at him from Orin's direction. He dreams of being a professional voice actor someday, and hey, let's face it; you have to start somewhere. He joined OrgLIX when it was known at the time as "A Kingdom Hearts Comedy Group." He's also that into that whole Cosplay nerd scene; goes by the name of Dymatapp or Dymatrex...or something. |
Tenshi Ryuu |
Org Name/Title: Shixten, The Solar Oracle
Role: Vexen
Birthday: 2/5
Location: Maryland, USA
Weapon: Cat O' Ninetails
Special Attack: Pheonix Flare |
Bio: Ryuu is certainly not the high priest of Nyarlathotep in the Washington DC chapter of the Church of the Elder Gods. Come on, where would you ever get such an idea? Seriously, that's preposterous. Ryuu’s just a college student who lives in a small box and enjoys books and tea. The latter perhaps more than is healthy.
That being said, Ryuu feels it prudent to inform those berks in the Baltimore Cult of Cthulhu that they're a bunch of idiots; Cthulhu isn't even an Elder God, for crying out loud, hell, he's not even a god, he's the freaking High Priest of the Old Ones. It's like worshiping the damn pope. |
Michael |
Org Name/Title: Mechilax, Artist of Destruction
Role: Luxord and Lexaeus
Birthday: 5/20
Location: The UK
Weapon: Creation Quill
Special Attack: Turquoise Thorn |
Bio:Being the only Brit in the Organization, he
unsurprisingly landed the part of Luxord and worries
type casting may have taken place.
An artist by nature, his passion to draw, write and
animate without the drive to break into a real
profession has left him living in his dreams and
endlessly creating characters and scenarios (and
whatever weapons of mass destruction apply when faced
against Keyblades) with his magical quill.
Other information includes a general shyness in
person, a nagging conscience that usually keeps him
responsible towards anything asked of him, an
impractical encyclopedic knowledge of all things
Pokemon as well as a newfound desire to achieve some
fame on the internet as a voice actor.
He's also learning to become more laid back by
allowing such information (real and fabricated) to be
written about him and temporarily being seen with a
moustache for the sake of a relevant mugshot to
represent him and his partner-in-crime. |
MoChan |
Org Name/Title: Xromnga, Speaker of Unmentionables
Role: Roxas
Birthday: 7/18
Location: New York, USA
Weapon: Scythe
Special Attack: Slicey Watermelon |
Bio: When I'm not using my evil powers to convince the watermelons to finally take over the planet, I generally enjoy sitting on top of a mountain (or any tall object, really) and just stare at all the very, very odd human beings who walk among us. And I enjoy pizza. And thwarting. Oh, and the occasional frolic through the flowers. |
Hyphy |
Org Name/Title: The Heart Torn in a Twister
Role: Xigbar
Birthday: 7/28
Location: California, USA
Weapon: A Stick
Special Attack: Scar of a Dragon |
Bio: Normally the quiet type...well, when no one is looking, is often as energetic as his name states, Hyphy (which is just plain short 4 stupid, dumb, supa' hyphy) . Born in da' bay, kid takes a usual interest in hip-hop as a counterbalance to prevent going nuts from all the J-pop on his i-pod. An artist at heart, he prides himself on becoming a manga-ka author, even though his power to procrastinate overwhelms him. His new thing is to gain some reference on his character for OrgLIX by shootin' stuff with his newly gained Airsoft BB gun. Also known as Shady G Neko. |
Dan |
Org Name/Title: Xand, the Wormrider
Role: Saïx
Birthday: 6/20
Location: Hilversum, The Netherlands
Weapon: Remember the tooth. The tooth!
Special Attack: Pink Sugar Heart Attack |
Bio: Born in The Netherlands, Dan is one of the very, very few Europeans in the OrgLIX crew and thus the one who is different enough to make sure there is a proper balance between lulz and sanity, as the rest of the crew seems to be incapable of retaining sanity when speaking on Skype. He appears callous, uncaring and needlessly sarcastic at times, but no one falls for that, as his friends are usually quite a few years younger than him. Secretly, he's a weak little sucker. Hobbies include anything "Dune" and closing pools. |
Tyger |
Org Name/Title: Gytrex, The Oblivious Watcher
Role: Xemnas
Birthday: 7/1
Location: Ontario, Canada
Weapon: Kamas
Special Attack: Crazed Oblivion |
Bio: A man of many voices and personalities. He could be a sweet loving
person at times and a cold hearted bastard at others. Then of course there
are those in between. But one thing all the personalities share is a
complete and utter embrace of oblivion. He lives by the phrase "ignorance is
bliss" and if he's around people for long enough this power of obliviousness
rubs off on them. He is a man of the arts and literature and enjoys every one of them. |
Dirk |
Org Name/Title: Dyrix, The Unknown Fanboy
Role: Repliku
Birthday: 7/4
Location: Minnesota, USA
Weapon: Giant Spork
Special Attack: Spork Serve |
Bio:A wannabe of many things hailing from the great frozen state of Minnesota, Dirk spends his time painting, singing in an off-key tone, and pestering everyone around him. He enjoys video games, philosophical discussion, sharp objects, and an occasional Mike's Hard ________.
When not recording himself as half of the cast of "The Simpsons" in his Boiler basement, Dirk can usually be found scouring the internet, going on random Wikipedia tangents while listening to an odd assortment of Heavy Metal, J-Rock, Classical, and Alternative Rock using KaZaA (old school!) as his player. |
Karras |
Org Name/Title: Raxarks, The Bitter Being
Role: DiZ
Birthday: 1/17
Location: Georgia, USA
Weapon: Rocket Propelled Chainsaw Launcher
Special Attack: I'm Doing it Wrong |
Bio: Karras can’t write a bio to save his life, and bios are serious business. |
Mary |
Org Name/Title: Myxar, The Eternal Buttonmasher
Role: Naminé
Birthday: 6/21
Location: Wisconsin, USA
Weapon: Pool Cue
Special Attack: DARKU ANGEEEEEL |
Bio: Having been the only Mexican in Bangor, ME before relocating to a place more diverse and therefore losing her notion of self-importance, Mary has consequently turned to the most addictive and harmful of all substances in order to quell her inner pain: OrgLIX. When not being a noob voice actress, she partakes in art, writing, and having way too much knowledge on certain video games than absolutely necessary. Her main goal in life is to ensure that Taco Tuesday indeed becomes a national holiday. |
Gabrielsangel |
Org Name/Title: Kextia: The Vivacious Thespian
Role: Various
Birthday: 8/09
Location: Illinois, USA
Weapon: Pink and Silver Tessen
Special Attack: Spiky Haired Bishounen Summon! |
Bio: Currently a hyperactive college student with an eternal passion for the stage & screen, this sugar high otaku will stop at nothing to give 110% in everything she does (even if it means pulling 2 all nighters in a row and surviving on Milk Duds). A fun loving kid with an open heart, hyper mind, a need to avoid conflict and an unbelievable appetite for FFVII and Kingdom Hearts Yaoi, one can usually find this girl online at various yaoi sites or running down the street dressed in various cosplay with her Ipod blaring Various Japanese Artists. It is well advised to never say the words "Fuzzy Tail" in front of this girl as the bouts of squealing joy have been known to cause massive headaches. She feels very blessed to be a part of OrgLIX and is exceptionally grateful to Orin for giving her this wonderful opportunity while... still owning her part soul.
OrgLIX says "Jump", she says "Into what bucket of insanity?" |
The Superior |
Org Name/Title: Purseriox, the Loquacious Lord
Role: Producer, Root Forum Administrator
Birthday: 3/28
Location: New Mexico, USA
Weapon: The Keyboard of Divine Right
Special Attack: Voracious Verbosity |
Bio: The head of the very secret and shadowy cabal that is actually in control of Organization LIX. While not involved in the day-to-day banality of actually running his beloved community, the Superior is known for making his presence known at the most opportune of times by essentially riding in upon his 45 WPM horse to save the day with an always eloquent speech. Forever refusing to respond to accusations of TL;DR, he soldiers onward to ever escalating tirades neatly arranged into pastiches of Victorian Era letters. It is what one is doomed to expect from a man who actively seeks out JSTOR articles for “light” reading and attainted a perfect verbal score on his SAT. However, let it be known that his dedication to the Organization and to Kingdom Hearts is absolutely unwavering, especially since he carries an affection for Mr. Nomura that dare not speak its name.
Members Lost to the Darkness
Mary |
Org Name/Title: Amryx, the One of Many Titles.
Former Role: Naminé
Birthday: 5/11
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Weapon: The Court Record
Special Attack: OBJECTION! |
Bio: Mary AKA Linnet has many names (including but not limited to fromage, penguin, hooker, geezer, etc.), and she is one of many occupations. However, in reality, she's a lazy bum who procrastinates on everything, including applying to colleges. Meanwhile, she will continue to RP and yell at her wife to make her a sammich. God, so useless. |