The Organization

I. Xemnas
Played By Tyger

Title: The Superior

Power: Nothingness

Weapon: Light sabers

Nicknames: Xemmy, Xem-Xem, Mansex, Anagram King, the crack pot

Likes: Kingdom Hearts, Zebra print, monologues

Dislikes: Being involved with things

Favorite Food: Pie and eggplant

Bio: The source of all Nobodies and Lord of Naught, you'd really think him to be more... mentally stable. But in fact, when he's not pontificating (read: masturbating) over Kingdom Hearts, he's actually kinda flakey... or maybe it's absent-minded.... or borderline autistic.

II. Xigbar
Played By Hyphy

Title: The Freeshooter

Power: Space

Weapon: Gunchucks

Nicknames: Xiggy, Stickbar, One-Eye, The Freeballer, Bigrax

Likes: 1980's surfer slang, eyepatches

Dislikes: Depth Perception

Favorite Food: PIZZA!

Bio: He is often seen as a "Party Dude," which, though accurate, accounts for only part of his personality otherwise. As such, he rarely has any input or interest in the team's plans, spending much of his time joking and socializing with other characters. He has a fondness for pizza, beyond even that of the other Turt... we mean, Org Members, and is essentially comic relief. Employing a "surfer slang" vocabulary, he customarily speaks with a unique hybrid of a Californian surfer accent and, possibly, a stereotypical "stoner" accent.

III. Xaldin
Played By Sci

Title: The Whirlwind Lancer

Power: Wind

Weapon: Spears

Nicknames: Xally, Dreadlocks, Rasta-Man

Likes: Dragons and shoes

Dislikes: Everything else

Favorite Food: Oatmeal

Bio: You know... Xaldin is actually pretty bland. He's down right generic in comparison to the other weirdos that make up the Organization. To be honest, his hair has more personality than he does. Seriously, aren't those some righteous sideburns? And what is up with those dreadlocks?

IV. Vexen
Played By Ryuu

Title: The Chilly Academic

Power: Ice

Weapon: A Sheild (wha?)

Nicknames: Vexie, Professor Creepy, Basement Dweller, Ice Queen

Likes: Science!

Dislikes: Disrespect

Favorite Food: Oncorhynchus gorbusha and almond jellybeans

Bio: Resident scientist and researcher of the Organization. This automatically makes him very creepy and very obsessive-complusive which is why he washes his hands everytime someone says a word including the letter "y." See that last sentence? Vexen just had to wash his hands eight times because of it. He also, despite his element, has a bit of a temper and what we would call a blood pressure problem if he had blood.

V. Lexaeus
Played By Michael

Title: The Silent Hero

Power: Earth

Weapon: Tomahawk

Nicknames: He has none

Likes: No one cares

Dislikes: No one cares

Favorite Food: No one cares

Bio: Lexaeus is the silent strongman of the Organization, accepting his role in Castle Oblivion with a stotic gra- Who the hell are we kidding? NO ONE CARES ABOUT LEXAEUS! NO ONE! Not even Nomura, and he CREATED Lexaeus! Hell, the only person who gives a shit seems to be Zexion, and that's probably because they're having rabid weasel sex in the basement and only then because Lexaeus is hung like a horse. NO OTHER REASON.

And here is the classic Lexaeus soundclip -

VI. Zexion
Played By Greg

Title: The Cloaked Schemer

Power: Illusion


Nicknames: Zexy, Book Worm, Bloodhound

Likes: Plotting, reading, tea parties, fruity drinks

Dislikes: Pointless in-fighting amongst his "co-workers"

Favorite Food: Daikon and tea

Bio: The kid has a lot of books. And mind powers. And a really strong sense of smell, which must be pretty awful when he's surrounded by a bunch of non-people in long leather coats. A lot of people call him emo, but he's really a wild rocker on the inside. You can so see it in the hair.

VII. Saïx
Played By Dan

Title: The Luna Diviner

Power: The Moon

Weapon: Spaking Paddle Claymore

Nicknames: Saixy, Xemnas' Bitch, Wolfman

Likes: Da Moon, disciplining people, Scooby Snacks

Dislikes: Meddling kids

Favorite Food: Rare steak

Bio: While not technically second in command, he's definitely the Superior's favorite. Maybe it's because his leg kicks when Xemnas scratches behind his ear. Maybe it's the fact he occasionally brings back birds or rodents from missions and leaves them under Xemnas' bed. Maybe it's because of the paddle. We may never know.

And here is the classic Saïx soundclip -

VIII. Axel
Played By Greg

Title: The Flurry of Dancing Flames

Power: Fire

Weapon: Chakrams

Nicknames: Axe, Flamer, Red-Head

Likes: Roxas. He really likes Roxas.

Dislikes: Being hunted down like a dog

Favorite Food: Anything spicy, but meatbuns are his favorite

Bio: He's a pyro with a catchphrase, a problem with authority and an obsessive complex regarding a certain young blond (and we're not talking about Namine). He was also voted Most Likely to Irritate Everyone Into Joining Together and Dumping Him in a World Made Entirely of Cold Water.

IX. Demyx
Played By Greg

Title: The Melodious Nocturne

Power: Water

Weapon: Sitar

Nicknames: Demmy, The Stupid Blond, Rock Star Wannabe

Likes: Music, his pet Heartless Patrick

Dislikes: Fighting, people touching his hair

Favorite Food: Biscuits and sparkling water

Bio: While he's not a total pacifist (if you touch his hair, he WILL react), he prefers not to fight. Instead, he likes to play his sitar, avoid missions, raise his pet Heartless ask difficult questions that no one wants to answer, and occasionally build massive pillow forts.

X. Luxord
Played By Michael

Title: The Gambler of Fate

Power: Time

Weapon: A Deck of Cards

Nicknames: Lux, Brit, The Gambler

Likes: Card games, Roulette, Strip Poker

Dislikes: Wankers, Spam

Favorite Food: Bacon Sarnies

Bio: A master of time, chance, cheap card tricks and always winning. His charm manages to keep snagging suckers for games, and everyone assumes that he's the one responsible for spontaneously disappearing pants... but it's not like anyone's going to say anything.

XI. Marluxia
Played By Sci

Title: The Graceful Assassin

Power: Plants and flowers

Weapon: Scythe

Nicknames: Marly, and Larxene-only - Posey and Flowerpot

Likes: Coming up with wicked schemes, Swedish Modern aesthetics

Dislikes: Vegans with a burning passion

Favorite Food: Anything sufficiently elegant and meaty

Bio: Yes, he has an explosion of pink hair and a bit of a rose obsession. And yes, he is not above physical, emotional, and sexual manipulation. And yes, he may always smell a bit too much like the perfume aisle. And yes, he may have a thing for women's underwear. But none of that matters because he is the Lord of Castle Oblivion and he will kill you if you leave footprints on his marble flooring.

XII. Larxene
Played By Schala

Title: The Savage Nymph

Power: Electricity

Weapon: Kunai/Knives

Nicknames: Larxy, Battery-chan, Lighning Bug, Cockroach Hair, The Savage Nymphomaniac

Likes: The Marquis de Sade, Schadenfreude, Needlepoint

Dislikes: Children, Idiots, Water

Favorite Food: Fried Chicken and Fried Cheesecake

Bio: The only female memeber of the Organization and she is quite aware and fustrated over that fact as someone who would love to indulge in some Gwen Graham and Cathy Wood style lesbianism. We would call her sexist but she seems equally bitchy to everyeone. Okay, except for Marluxia who she may or may not have a sexual relationship with. Disregard that - they're totally doing it

XIII. Roxas
Played By MoChan

Title: The Key of Destiny

Power: Light

Weapon: Twin Keyblades

Nicknames: Roxy, Chocobo Head,

Likes: Being left alone >\

Dislikes: Most other Nobodies

Favorite Food: Sea-Salt Ice Cream

Bio: The newest and youngest member of the Organization, he has not yet fallen to the common insanity of the others. But living in the Castle That Never Was and getting stalked by a certain red-headed pyro are pretty likely to drive him over the edge.

Other Characters

Played By Mary

Title: The Witch

Power: Manipulating memories

Weapon: Crayons

Nicknames: Nam-chan

Likes: Drawing

Dislikes: Not being recognized as a member of the Org, the occasional beatings

Favorite Food: Whatever they feed her D=

Bio: Poor girl just wants to draw. And wear something besides white all the time. And maybe get a longer dress. And possibly get away from Repliku. And just find a place full of nice, normal people. Or a least draw one in hopes she can escape to it. She's just surrounded by too much crazy. And you never know when that will force a girl to snap...

The original Namine clip for your listening pleasure:

Played By Dirk

Title: The Maid

Power: Some control over darkness, but damn, the boy can cook

Weapon: Soul-Eater... but nowadays it's usually in Feather Duster Form

Nicknames: Hey You, The Cook that Never Was

Likes: Naminé... a lil too much

Dislikes: The Org

Favorite Food: Lemon Squares with a light sprinkling of confectioner's sugar

Bio: The castle maid and cook. Well, actually, he's Vexen's creation; a Riku replica that was meant to have been used as a weapon, but... he's really far more useful as a maid. He's also extremely obsessed with Namine. Also, he's probably developed a fear of medical instruments and lab tables, but no one's really willing to ask him.

Played By Karras

Title: Darkness in Zero

Power: Being an arrogant ass

Weapon: His pompus voice

Nicknames: Ansem the Wise, Ansem the Blonde, Ansem the White, That Creepy Old Guy

Likes: Excessive meddling, and demeening others

Dislikes: Nobodies

Favorite Food: Sea-Salt Ice Cream

Bio: The once wise ruler of Radiant Garden, he was kicked out by a group of researchers. Thus he is a dork. Since Wal-Mart rejected his greeter application, he has fallen to meddling with whomever he damn well pleases so stay the hell off of his lawn. He really seems to enjoy tresspassing on to Organization property though in his version of a "ninja sage" outfit.

Played By Orin

Title: Demyx's pet

Power: Devouring hearts

Weapon: Singing and claws

Nicknames: Demyx's Shadow, The Hellspawn

Likes: Biscuits, cuddling


Favorite Food: Hearts

Bio: A Shadow Heartless taken in my Demyx. Why, exactly, is a mystery. Patrick only seems to like Demyx, treating everyone else like scratching posts. He also likes to sing to himself--before going in for the kill. Other Heartless are not safe.

The Lesser Nobodies
Played By Various Actors

Title: Varies

Powers: Really creepy smiles and other things

Weapons: Mostly their own bodies

Nicknames: Creepy White things, The Servants, Hey you!

Likes: Free time

Dislikes: Being treated like the malformed humanoids they are

Favorite Food: Essesence

Bio: Those who had strong enough wills that they kept their bodies after being lost to the darkness, but not strong enough to retain a human shape. Instead they are mishapen empty shells, the mere scraps and leftovers of existence. They act as both servants and front-line soldiers for the Organization. Lesser Nobodies can communicate vocally with their superiors, but all a human will hear is a string of gibberish.